I thought I would take a quick break from the writing to share a little about the status of the book. This Fall I have been working on strengthening the second half of the book, focusing on integrating in the story of Original New York Seltzer and it’s father/son founders.Read More →

I just got off the phone interviewing Randy Miller, who at 17 – not yet out of high school – launched a new beverage company with his dad: Original New York Seltzer. The brand played a big role in making seltzer hip in the 80s and introducing the idea of Read More →

This past week I was in Pittsburgh and meet in person, for the first, John Seekings, proprietor of the Pittsburgh Seltzer Works, whom I have been interviewing for over 4 years and whose business is the centerpiece of my book. It was thrilling to meet him for the first timeRead More →

There’s a great new article in the Wall Street Journal on seltzer, “Buy Into These Bubbles: Seltzer’s Fizz Is Back.” Below is the excerpt that quotes me: Barry Joseph, an associate director at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, began researching seltzer more than a decade agoRead More →

After more than a decade of the old blog design, it was more than time for an upgrade. I still have a lot to tweak, but please comment below and let me know what you think so far and what you’d like to see me add.Read More →

I have great news to share! I just posted the following on our Facebook group: I found an agent! Actually, she found me. Here’s how it happened. And how I couldn’t have done it without you. I would never say writing is easy. But it’s rewarding, pumping me with hitsRead More →

After a decade of researching and writing the book, it’s done. With tremendous help this past year from many people, particularly my wife, Noemi, and friend, Julie, I finished writing (what I am now calling and hoping to stick with) Seltzertopia: The Effervescent Age. I haven’t written much on theRead More →

Last week for the first time I put the book together, end to end, to learn it is 250 pages. I like that. Feels just right – not to long and not to short. And now I have a draft of a manuscript I can shop around, currently title: SpritzRead More →

So this month I finished the book proposal and we have begun to shop it around. Last week I was excited to get my first book rejection. Why was I excited? Because after more than 5 years of thinking about and writing the book, a reject somehow makes it feelRead More →